How to Improve my International Dimensional of Life

Learning process is doing as long as we life in this world. It is not being limited by age, status, sex, and so on. In learning process there are four pillars of learning, especially in mathematics learning like in UNESCO. There are learning to know, learning to do, learning to be, and learning to live together.
 In learning to do, it is like students in school that do the learning activity. It is still need someone who teach and give some subject and also as a facilitators. Student is not independent; it is still in looking for their selves.  In other way, learning to be is learning process that appropriates the nature. People who called their selves do the learning to do; it is not fixed in another people. Learning to be people usually is the professor, magister, and another people who have been met their identities. People identities are formed by their experiences and their knowledge.
Every people in this world have an aspect in their life and it is not same between one and the others. Actually, in aspect of life, there are some aspects:
1.      Individual
In individual aspect is our self. It just depend on every individual how their aspect of their life. This scope is little. People attitude (how their attitude) is depend on how they arrange and they control their selves.
2.      Group
Two people or more called a group. It is a social scope. People will be more respect to each other, not only for their selves because there are another people in their side. It is also to improve their social respect and their soft skill. The example scope in group is in school, university, an organization, and so on.
3.      Local
Local is larger than group. In this aspect of life consists of some groups but it still be limited by limited area. For example local is united of Yogyakarta students that consist of some school or university in Yogyakarta. In this scope can improve bigger social respect each other.
4.      National
National is larger than local. It consists of some local. For example a scholarship from government to students who can’t pay their study cost.
5.      Regional
In regional aspect of life, it consists of some national. For example is Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN). It consist of some countries but it still be limited by regional South East Asia.
6.      International
International aspect of life is higher aspect of life that be reached by people. People who can reach international aspect in their life is not any kind of people. It must be people who have a certain skill. Education in international aspect of life is UNESCO. It is in PBB that take care of education in this world.
The aspect of life above is related with people relationship. People who have higher aspect of life will have larger relationship than people who have aspect of their life narrower. It is also give effect in education. International education is educations that have many relations and can be apply in other countries.  The sample is Japan education in “The expansion of the topic on even and odd numbers Grade 5 – Teacher Yutaka Hase”. Video on “hrd apec” shows that Japan education (especially) in the expansion of the topic on even and odd numbers start with giving simply problems that related in daily life. After that, teachers give time to students to solve the problems with simple questions. Not long time, teacher asks student to share their answer and finally teacher explain why they learn and explain about that case. In this method of education, it is enough effective and can to improve students’ creativity. Not only improve students creativity, it is also improve students public speaking, improve students brave to speech and tell their opinion, and also make students closer to the problems in real world that relate to mathematics. It is also can be apply in other countries not only in Japan.
The next video is about the expansion of the topic on multiplication of decimal numbers Grade 5 – Teacher Masahiro Seki. In this video he start the lesson with using real thing (a wire) and give a simple problems (divide the wire). He permitte students to solve the problems in their own ways. After that he choose one of students and ask him to show the answer that is continued byy dicussing by classmate in small group. Finally, teacher explain the summarize of the learning. The both of leraning is include in international learning because if we take a look from international aspect, it have been fulfill the standard because from shigeo katagiri’s aim of school education is “to cultivate qualifications and competencies among each individual school child, including the ability to find issues by oneself, to learn by oneself, to think by oneself, to make judgments independently and to act, so that each child or student can solve problems more skillfully, regardless of how society might change in the future.”

Dwiyanti, Frisiska. 2004.Pendidikan Internasional, Bagaimanakah Maknanya?, (online), (, accessed on Sunday, March 25th 2012 at 17.00).
Katagiri, Shigeo. _____. Mathematical Thinking and How to Teach It. CRICED, University of Tsukuba.


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