How to Learn and to Relate the Elements In Between and Among the Others

Education is not static. It will be improve like time running out. In several years ago, there was traditional education, but today we can say that we have modern education. It is not only more modern in facilities but also in education method. If we take a look in education method, we can compare the last method and the new ones. In previous method, it was teacher center. Students were passive person. Teacher more active and told them about subject. Now, student must be more active. Teachers are facilitators. Teaching method can use presentation, discussion, etc. Like the method, problem in mathematics is also more complex. It is still improve like time running out. Today mathematicians are more clever and genius, so the problem is also more complex. It can’t be solved by old method.
In mathematics education, there is a method that based on environmental problem. It because the problem in daily live will be more complex. Therefore, students must be developing in some side:
1.      Knowledge builders
Building student knowledge is not an easy thing. It is not only from teacher that give information but also students must be more active to search more information about everything especially about mathematics. They can read some books, update news, searching/browsing, etc, there are so many facilities that can be used.
2.      Complex, multifaceted and flexible thinkers
A mathematician must be complex, multifaceted and flexible thinking. It can be used when we solved a problem in daily life.
3.      Creative and innovative problem solvers
In mathematics, there need a creative thinking. There are some ways to get a true answer. In may be different between one with the others students. Mathematics can make student will be more creative and innovative in problem solving.
4.      Effective collaborators and communicators
Some people will judge that mathematicians are serious people. But it is false, because in mathematics it also teach about communication and effective collaboration. It based on that all people in this world are social creature. They will need corporations between the others students. Sometimes in mathematics it need corporation between one with the others to solve a problem.
5.      Optimistic and committed learners  
When we solve a problem, we must be optimist that we can solve that problem. A student that learns mathematics is optimistic learner. If it is not, no one mathematics problem will they solved. They are also committed in axioms and rule in mathematics. They use a rule to solve mathematics problems.
Students that learn mathematics are need more experience and knowledge especially students that try to solve real problems in daily life. They will be familiar with the problems if they usual to try to solve the problems. Besides that, they must be optimist and have high motivation. Motivation is needed to reach the dream or what they want. If student have not motivation, they will not solve the mathematics problems in daily life. One of some ways to give motivation to students is organize a general lecture with guest teacher or lecturer. It is also will add student’s knowledge.
Monday, 13th March 2012 there was a general lecture with Prof. Mohan Chinnappan P.Hd. In that moment, he told us about mathematics education. Not only told about mathematics subject but also he permitted us to ask question. All questions that we want to ask. Firstly, he told us about function in mathematics and how to teach it. When he asked audience, someone answered and told what function is. After that he told us about how to talk about function in 8th grade. Every student is unique. When we said about function to one student, it is not guarantee that the other students will understand with what we said. It because of every student has difference ability. Besides that, Mr. Mohan was also told us about function of number. We are mathematicians that always using numbers in our daily life but sometimes we confused when we were asked what the numbers for. Generally, numbers are used to show a quantity. If we will show the size, weight, and etc, we will use numbers. Imagine that we don’t know numbers in our life. It will very difficult to show the quantity. Not only that, we are also can’t compare size and another quantity without numbers. He also talked about Australian origin that called aborigine ethnic. He told about how they life briefly.
Mr. Mohan Chinnappan was also told us about teaching method. He said that teaching method is the nature of knowledge. In this world, there are religious knowledge and mathematics knowledge. The source of knowledge is religious knowledge. In Muslim, they will say that in Al-Qur’an there is all of knowledge in this world. Start from physics, mathematics, biology and all of subject knowledge they are already in Al-Qur’an. Actually, decimal system in mathematics comes from Arabic and Hindu. In Hinduism, there are two of knowledges; they are knowledge and religious knowledge. It is different with in Muslim that say religious knowledge is same with natural knowledge. If we talked about religious, we will link with prophetic in character education like in UNY. When one of audience asked about character education in Australia, Mr. Mohan answered that there isn’t character education in state school. It is just already in religious school. For example if a parent wants their children have good character they must take them in religious school. It is different with in Indonesia.


Stephens, Max (2012). Mathematical Modelling and Mathematical Education – What, why and how? in Tsukuba International Congress Center Feb.14&15, 2012.


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