The Dread of Theoretical Notion about Mathematics Education

Eny Sulistyaningsih (10313244017)
International Mathematics Education Class ‘10

Mathematics is not only about numbers, formulas, and symbols. Learning mathematics is also learning about how we can use our brain in some several conditions. Because of that mathematics education is not only teach about numbers, formulas, and symbols. Mathematics education is also about feeling. In mathematics education must pay attention about psychological aspect of students. One of the factors that make some student does not like mathematics because when they learn about it, teachers did not pay attention their psychological aspect. Teachers just teach like what they read and learn from the books. Actually, there are some dreads of theoretical notion about mathematics education:
1.      Problem Solving
Some people in this world learn mathematics from their school. The ability to think mathematically and to use mathematical thinking to solve problems is an important goal of schooling (Kaye Stacey). To solve a problem, students can draw on their knowledge and develop new mathematical understandings. In mathematics education, there is problem solving as a method to teach mathematics from teacher to the students. Generally, there are three interpretations in problem solving:
a.        Problem solving as a goal
Some of teachers assume that problem solving as a goal of mathematics education. Consequently, they are not depending on level of exam, suitability of subject, and etc. They just think that if students have been solving their problem, the education is success.

b.      Problem solving as a process
Problem solving as a process mean that problem solving is dynamic. It happens when mathematics education has being done. The most important elements in the process are the selection of suitable mathematics problem. These problems are suitable in term of level, able to have open solutions and have a mathematical structure. In this interpretation, it is also paying attention on method, procedure, and so on. Because of achievement in mathematics is not only looked in the result, this interpretation is suitable with mathematics education. It teaches students to think logically and structurally.
c.       Problem solving as a basic skill
The last, problem solving as a basic skill is just about to answer “how to solve the problems?” If students try to solve mathematics problems more and more, they will familiar with mathematics problem with some variation and development. 
Notwithstanding problem solving in mathematics has meaning solve the problems in mathematics, the problem is not all problems can be solved by some students in several grade.  Becker & Shimada (in Sumardyono, M.Pd) explain that “Genuine problem solving requires a problem that is just beyond the student’s skill level so that she will not automatically know which solution method to use. The problem should be no routine, in that the student perceives the problem as challenging and unfamiliar, yet not insurmountable. In this case, teachers must give mathematics problem appropriate students’ grade.
2.      Problem Posing
Problem posing has some meaning. First, problem posing is a formulation simple problem with some change to make it simple and easier. Second, problem posing is formulating problem with the requirement of problem to find out the other solution. Third, problem posing is formulating the problems when it before, or after arrangement the mathematics problems. In structural problem posing, the information or situation is a mathematics problem or result of problem (Yuhasriati in Abdussakir). Problem posing asks students to make a problem or question. Suparno in Abdussakir said that asking questions is one of activity that challenge students to hard thinking and improve their knowledge. Silver on Abdussakir note that there are three kind of students’ cognitive activity when they ask problems:
a.       Students ask pre-solution. Students make questions when teacher give situation.
b.      Students ask the solutions. They will reform the solution that it had been done.
c.        Students ask after solution is given. They will reform the problem and they make new problems. 


Abdussakir. 2009. Pembelajaran Matematika dengan Problem Posing. matematika-dengan-problem-posing. Access on March 4th 2012 at 21.00.
Kaye Stacey. 2007. What is Mathematical Thinking and Why is it Important?. present this progress report on the APEC project “Collaborative Studies on Innovations for Teaching and Learning Mathematics in Different Cultures (II) - Lesson Study focusing on Mathematical Thinking-”.

Sumardyono. 2011. Pengertian Dasar Problem Solving. Access on March 3th 2012 at 19.00.


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