Oleh: Marsigit
The psychological aspect that found
Reviewed by: Eny Sulistyaningsih

Research and innovation is not only happened in science, but also in education. Research and innovation to improve education world especially in Indonesia is much needed. May be mathematics that had been strange subject to learn, one of reason is learning method that very traditional and make student are bored. So, to evaluate this problem, teachers, lecturer, and also student that will be a teacher or lecturer can make a research and innovation in education, especially in mathematics subject. With mathematics research, we know what we didn’t know before. For example we know the ability of some group, and we can make a group of student exactly based on their ability. Besides that, the result of research can be a complement in education or teaching process in the future, so the mathematics learning will be better.
Furthermore, we expect that all of teacher and lecturer make a research and innovation in education, especially in mathematics learning. In psychology, if learning process is done in some innovation, student will more interested and they will have a high spirit to learn mathematics. It’s because most of student are interested to try what a new thing, they have high curiosity.
Not only we look in innovation and research, but we also must look in the ability of teacher and lecturer. Not all of teacher and lecturer are young and they understand what the benefit and what the research and innovation for. But, some of them is not too old that they can search what the benefit and what the research and the innovation for. It is understood that they will make an advanced in mathematics learning. It is also for university students that will be a teacher or lecturer in future. They must learn how to make a research and innovation in mathematics learning or make something that giving some benefit in their social. If they are usual to make a research, in the future they will not confuse.



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