Oleh: Marsigit
The pshycological aspect that found
Reviewed by: Eny Sulistyaningsih
Studying is not an easy thing, because there are problems not only from our extern like our environment but also from ourselves. Not only studying that has some problems, but in teaching is also has it. Based on Kuhs dan Ball, there are 4 categories how to teaching. They are content focused – conceptual
Understanding, content focus – performance, learner focus – construction, and classroom focus – effective classroom. From the above, we also must know the basic of teachers. Not all of teacher can do what is the best for their student.
Studying is not only seen by the result in the end of exam, but also in process. If we look in psychology, there is the other factor that influence, like cognitive aspect, affective aspect, and psychometric aspect. Some of cognitive aspects are motivation (student will be diligent to study if they have high motivation (why they learn that subject?), own way to study (each student usually have own way to study, for example some of them can study if they listening music, but some of them can’t to study if they are not in the quiet area), group or individual studying (the both of them have weakness and benefit. But they are needed by almost all of student to trying their social in a group and try their own ability if they are in individual studying), and the last is different context and situation (in this aspect, sometimes student feel so bored with the teacher’s method, so they need new situation and new context learning like using visual aids).
Some of affective aspect are receiving (how they receive the subject), responding (how they give respond with subject when teacher is teaching), valuing (it’s about how they receive a value), and organization and characterization (it’s how the concept of value, value system, and also character of student).
Motoric aspect is also a important aspect that must be seen. It because in this aspect, student are given a chance to show up their ability to draw, and express everything that they can, but it is still fairly.
From the explaining above, we must introspection ourselves, how the learning process in our around? Had student have high motivation to study? Actually, it’s not a simple way to give motivation to student. It needs hard work from some side, especially teacher. The more creative and giving motivation to student, the teacher will more and more are liked by student.  


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