Mathematics Learning trough English

Now, globalization period happen in all country in this world, include in Indonesia. It mean that we must can follow all about it. English, as a global language must be learned by Indonesia people. If it is not done, we can’t follow this period. We will like a frog in a piece of coconut shell. We can’t communicate with large environment because we can’t speak English well. Not only all about English, but also about the science. Indonesia as an amend country, must improve the science and mathematics. If we can’t improve English and science and mathematics, we will have so many problem to use modern technology and Indonesia just will be an emend country ever after, never be an advance country. Exactly, we don’t want like that. We want Indonesia will be an advance country in the future. But, the fact in Indonesia, English and science and mathematics capability in Indonesian people are still low. It can be showed in a definite communication trough English not only in writing but also in speaking. That fact figure that English learning in Indonesia is still not success. And about mathematics and science in Indonesia, it must be improved for  face the future. How to improve the both  of them?
English language, mathematics and science can be improved with effective learning. Not only just learn about one subject for example just learn English in English subject in school, but also learn mathematics and science too. In can be done with bilingual class or international class. In that class, we are not only learn mathematics but also English. It mean that we learn mathematics and science with use English as a deliver language. In this class, learning subject, learning activity, and giving a score are given with English.  It is a beginning step to improve Indonesia people’s ability. And it has been  applied in some school. In some schools that have this classes, they prepare the students to compete in globalization competition. It relate with Indonesian teaching that is still remainder than some neighbor countries. Government program called it as international pioneering school.
The teachers that teach mathematics in bilingual or international class must have high language ability. Chin and Wigglesworth, (2007:5) said that
At the heart of the description of bilingualism is the issue of degree of bilingualism. Simply put, degree of bilingualism refers to the levels of linguistic proficiency a bilingual must achieve in both languages  to be considered a bilingual.
But, using English as a delivery language isn’t so easy. We must take it step by step, especially for bilingual class. Dharma (2007) said that starting bilingual class must trough some steps, there are in first year using English just 25% and Indonesia language 75%. In second year, each of English and Indonesia is 50%. And then in third year, English is 75% and Indonesia 25%. The aim is to give mathematics concept first to the students. If they have felt confused about the concept that is told by English, the mathematics learning is fail. Seeing from the teachers today, many teachers can’t able to learn English and mathematics at the same time. Mathematics teacher must get an adding English course to improve their English. But some of them are too old to get that course. So, the course is not effective. Beside that, the English teacher, they feel that they don’t need mathematics course. That is a big problem to mathematics learning today.
How we solve the problem?
To solve this problem, we need many teacher that can teach mathematics especially  with English as a delivery language. Solving this problem is built up an international class in university that will create an international or bilingual teachers. It have been done in some universities, like in Yogyakarta State University. In this campus, there are some department that have international class. One of them is mathematics education class. May be people will think that learn mathematics with Indonesian is difficult, and it is can’t imagine if it use English.    But the fact, learning mathematics trough English as a delivery language is not mean that the mathematics competency in international class is less than in class that use Indonesia language as a delivery language.
Today, we can see in some junior high school or in senior high school in Indonesia that they are international standard schools. They use English as delivery language not only in mathematics but also almost in all subject. Almost all of this schools can really compete in international competition.  It proved that eventough they use English, they aren’t feel difficult to learn mathematics.
Eventough this class use English as a delivery language, it is musn’t leave the Indonesian value and culture. It is like in the mathematics and science learning development orientation (2005), the aim of mathematics and science learning with English as a development language is to make not only a graduates that have high competency in mathematics and science like a development of it but also graduates that have high competency in English. And then, it will create a teacher that have high competency in mathematics and also in English.



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