International Level of Indonesian Mathematics Education

International level is a highest level in education, include in mathematics education. If a mathematics education in a country success in international level, it proof that the mathematics in that country is good and better than another countries. But actually, international level is not measure by international achievement, but also the important things are development of religious culture to students that learn mathematics. In other hand, international level in mathematics education is also not measure by the language that used. As evidence, mathematics education in Japan always using Japanese language not English but the content of mathematics education is international level. It is also happen in Korea and China. It is contrast with mathematics education in Indonesia. In our country, international mathematics education is just teaching in technique. It using English as a universe language but the content is still far from international level.
Point of view of international level depends on person. It will different when a scientist and an Indonesian blue-collar workers and craftsmen employed overseas. In education, international level take universal basic pillars (basic philosophy), they are essence, method, and benefit from everything. Achievement in international level of Indonesian mathematics education is not too low. There are some Indonesian young people that get golden medal in international olympiad. But all of this achievement can’t to measure all of mathematics education level in Indonesia. It because known that education in Indonesia is not spread evenly. A research shows that 76.6% Indonesian student in junior high school are blind in mathematics. It is contrast with achievement of some Indonesian students that get golden medals in international level. Students who get medals in international olympiads get special treatment from some institutes such as Surya Institute etc. One of some factors that make mathematics still low in Indonesia is because it is not be a culture in Indonesian people.
     Improving international level of mathematics education in Indonesia, there are steps that is taken by schools in Indonesia. They are :
common school -> national standard school -> pionering of international bassis school -> international bassis  school

When a common school had been national standard school it must complete eight pillars in national standard to be pioneering of international basis school. They are:
1.        Content standard
2.        Process standard
3.        Graduate competency standard
4.        Educators standard
5.        Facilities standard
6.        Managing standard
7.        Expense standard
8.        Education assessment standard
After 6 years, pioneering of international basis school is assessment again to be international basis school. Formula to determine is SSN + X, where X is plus value in each standards like social support, continuous expense, standards accountability and standards sustainability. Teachers’ accountability can be seen from teachers’ ability in English and in lesson study that can be seen by other teachers to make learning be better in the future. But in Japan, language is not accountability but the system is accountability. In another hand, sustainability is a continuously innovation.
Reaching international level in mathematics education can’t be cut from teachers role, they are:
1.        Changing teachers and students mindset to be international standard
2.        Learning new paradigms (teachers as facilitators, teachers as motivators, etc).
3.        Promoting innovations that have backbones education innovations
A philosopher that came from England said that there is not the best way to teaching, but the best way is combine some ways appropriate context the expectation of competences. A big research in England gives the recommendation learning in school, they are:
1.        Teacher must using exposition but in limited times
2.        Promoting discussion
3.        Promoting investigation
4.        Promoting problem solving
5.        Promoting use learning aids and laboratory tools
A teacher’s problem to change to be innovative teachers is because they are still teaching formal mathematics/axiomatics/pure mathematics. Changing to be international level, teachers must promote and teaching using school mathematics. Based on Ebot and Strakker is also have an argument that used to improve international level of Indonesian mathematics education, they are:
1.              Mathematics as search for patterns and relations
2.              Mathematics as investigation
3.              Mathematics as problem solving
4.              Mathematics as a mean of communication
Today, not only in Indonesia, but also in all country in this world, there is not the best way to teach mathematics or mathematics education. It because depend on each culture in their countries. So, which the best methods that can be apply in Indonesia to improve Indonesian mathematics education can’t be given.

Marsigit. ____. Asumsi Dasar Karakteristik Matematika, Subyek Didik dan Belajar Matematika Sebagai Dasar Pengembangan Kurikulum Matematika Berbasis Kompetensi Di SMP.  FMIPA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta.

Nurfuadah, Rifa Nadia. 2011. Waduh...76,6% Anak Buta Matematika!. online,, accessed on Thursday, Mei 3th 2012 at 07:00 P.m.
Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia. 2005. Standar Nasional Pendidikan Pasal 19.


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