The Characteristic and the Tendency International Level Of the Practice of Mathematics Teaching

Mathematics term came from Greek “Mathematikos” as a science or “Natheis” as perception, abstract knowledge and deductive, where the conclusion is not from senses experiment but from certain rule by deduction (Indonesian Encyclopedia). It make mathematics teaching has some ways to given to the students. Different ponds different fish. There are also some differences between one country and the others about how they teach mathematics. It because they have own characteristics and own perspective. They have own goal in their education, especially in mathematics teaching. Some country can be compared by using some characteristics.
In some American territorial, teacher usually start mathematics teaching by replay the mathematics that be learned before shortly. Besides that, they are also check students homework. After that, teacher will explain about new content of mathematics that is learned that day for example multiplying fraction, calculating the area, etc. Next, student will be given some exercise and they start to finish it. In Japan is different with American territorial.
In Japan, mathematics class starts by short preface and a difficult problem. But the teacher does not teach solution how to solve that problem. It makes students be creative. Teacher just look the students development and give a suggest. After 10 or 15 minutes, one of student will explain how to solve the problem in front of class. Teacher will give revision if there are mistakes. Their book use real place, and other things that represent the content of book. There are many free facilities that given by government to support education especially in mathematics teaching. It makes Japanese students continue their education until the university.
In Philippine, students learn mathematics longer than in Japan. It is almost twice. Their book is   monochromatic one color. They have many exercises in their books. In this country, first grade students in elementary school have been introduced about simple fraction. It is not like in Japan and Indonesia.
Indonesia is different from the both of countries. In Indonesia there are some methods how teacher give mathematics teaching to the students. They are traditional methods and modern methods. In traditional methods, teacher as a center in class. Teacher will start class with explain and explain about content of mathematics. Students just write what teacher said. After that, teacher will give some exercise and student will do that by their selves. But in modern method, mathematics teaching is not teacher center but also student center. It means that student more active than teacher. Teacher just a as facilitator in their class. Teacher just explains shortly and student will more active to learn about content of mathematics by group discussion, presentation, etc. In Indonesia, there is characteristics how to give mathematics teaching to the students. They are:
1.      Mathematics teaching is given step by step
Contents of mathematics are given step by step from concrete to abstract, simple to complex, or easy concept to hard concept.
2.      Mathematics teaching use spiral method
In mathematics learning, if students learn new concept they must know the previous concept. In the new concept, they repeat and add innovation.  
3.      Mathematics teaching apply deductive thinking
Mathematics is deductive and axiomatic. But, the approximately must be suitable to students.
4.      Mathematics has consistency truth.
The truth in mathematics is consistent. It is not contra with the other. A statement is assumed that is true if it based on previous statement that had been accepted the truth.
In Indonesia, first grade students in elementary school had been introduced geometry like triangle, circle, and rectangle. It is not happened in Japan and Philippine.
Although every country has own way and own characteristics to teach mathematics, it is not decrease mathematics value. They have own goal to drumming up their human resources in mathematics. Using different ways in mathematics teaching, it is hoped that all of countries in this world can compete in mathematics and always make a new advance in mathematics. 
____. 2010. Pembelajaran Matematika Sekolah, (online),, accessed on Saturday, March 10th 2012, at 20.30.
Darsono. 2010. Analisis  Kurikulum Pendidikan Matematika Dasar di Jepang dan Filipina (Robesa R. Hilario and Du Wei), (onlilne),
Rain. 2012. Studi di Jepang, (online),, accessed on Saturday, March 10th 2012, at 20.45.


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