Lesson Study:
Pendekatan Baru untuk Pembelajaran Matematika pada Murid
Berkebutuhan Khusus
Oleh: Marsigit
The psychological aspect that found
Reviewed by: Eny Sulistyaningsih

            We must say thanks to God with what we have now. We have complete body and we can study normally. Have you ever imagined someone who have a differences? How they live? How they study? So many people that have a differences that are assumed as a strange people in their social, so they can’t study like we have done. Government is also ever make a rule for them, but it just as a rule, not be applied in a real seriously.
Some of people that have a differences not be worry, because today there are a Lesson Study (Jugyo Sinkekyu) that come from Japan and it have been applied in many country not only in Indonesia, but other country. Lesson study is multi level approach for repair the learning quality. Lesson study that is improved by Center of Research and International Collaboration and Education Development (CRICED) Tsukuba Japan since 2004 at least for two subjects, they are mathematics and above the common learning, but today it is tried for another subjects. Lesson study has some benefit, they are to improve the teacher professionalism, to improve the quality of learning, to improve potency, and to give the student necessary in study, and also to improve and develop the aids of learning.
In lesson study, there is cooperation between some teachers and also some lecturers. It will very different with system in Indonesia that gives a seminar, training, etc that some of them just like a teaching teachers. It is not give the effect for students. Because actually, teacher or lecturer as a facilitators for their students and they also as external observer.
Furthermore, lesson study as a new innovation in education especially in above the common learning is very support the education in Indonesia for people who have a differences, so they can get a learning in school and they aren’t assumed as a strange people in their social.  


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