
Menampilkan postingan dari Oktober, 2011
PHILOSOPHICAL EXPLANATION ON MATHEMATICAL EXPERIENCES OF THE FIFTH GRADE STUDENTS By: Marsigit Unsur-unsur psikologi yang tercantum Direview oleh Eny Sulistyaningsih             Pembelajran matematika telah salah kaprah dianggap sebagai suatu hal yang mengerikan oleh sebagian besar masyarakat Indonesia. Tidak dipungkiri juga bahwa sebagian pendidik di bidang matematika pun dulu pernah beranggapan seperti hal tersebut. Berbagai inovasi dan perubahan cara pembelajaran pun telah dilakukan, tetapi sungguh disayangkan karena hal tersebut kurang efektif. Hal tersebut hanya berlaku sesaat dan hanya untuk sebagian peserta didik. Banyak para ahli pendidikan khususnya matematika mencari cara untuk selalu memberikan pendidikan matematika yang diminati peserta didik.               Berbagai penelitian yang dilakukan mampu memperluas pengetahuan dan menambah pengalaman tentang pembel...
Lesson Study: Pendekatan Baru untuk Pembelajaran Matematika pada Murid Berkebutuhan Khusus Oleh: Marsigit The psychological aspect that found Reviewed by: Eny Sulistyaningsih             We must say thanks to God with what we have now. We have complete body and we can study normally. Have you ever imagined someone who have a differences? How they live? How they study? So many people that have a differences that are assumed as a strange people in their social, so they can’t study like we have done. Government is also ever make a rule for them, but it just as a rule, not be applied in a real seriously. Some of people that have a differences not be worry, because today there are a Lesson Study (Jugyo Sinkekyu) that come from Japan and it have been applied in many country not only in Indonesia, but other country. Lesson study is multi level approach for repair the learning quality. Lesson study that is improved by Center of Research...
KEGIATAN PENELITIAN SEBAGI USAHA UNTUK MENINGKATKAN PROFESIONALISME GURU MATEMATIKA Oleh: Marsigit The psychological aspect that found Reviewed by: Eny Sulistyaningsih Research and innovation is not only happened in science, but also in education. Research and innovation to improve education world especially in Indonesia is much needed. May be mathematics that had been strange subject to learn, one of reason is learning method that very traditional and make student are bored. So, to evaluate this problem, teachers, lecturer, and also student that will be a teacher or lecturer can make a research and innovation in education, especially in mathematics subject. With mathematics research, we know what we didn’t know before. For example we know the ability of some group, and we can make a group of student exactly based on their ability. Besides that, the result of research can be a complement in education or teaching process in the future, so the mathematics learning will be better. Fur...