Oleh: Marsigit
The pshycological aspect that found
Reviewed by: Eny Sulistyaningsih

In every education, in everywhere, there must have a trouble or a problem. It is not only in mathematics education but also in almost all of subject in school. Especially in Indonesia, it has some problem in mathematics education. There are many factors that influence, like social assumptions, the weakness in facilities, weakness of teachers, and until the weakness of government’s attention in education in Indonesia.
We can’t to blame anyone for that problem. Because if we blame each other, there isn’t a development in mathematics education but there will be more problems that appeared. Like the paper of “Persoalan Pembelajaran Matematika di Sekolah”, there is a research that can develop mathematics education especially in Indonesia. There are not only change the paradigm of mathematics learning but also changing the other aspects, like adding student work paper, formation of studying group, develop of discussion learning, and develop of visual aids. However those aspects had done, if it isn’t supported by all people in Indonesia, it will be nonsense. Readiness of many sides is very influenced the successful of the changing to solve a problem in mathematics learning. For example is the readiness of teachers that must work more than before if they will have student work paper and they must change the paradigm of learning from traditional that teacher as a center to be teachers as facilitators. The other example is from student. They must more be active and more independent so they aren’t depending on their teachers again. Nevertheless, students will more closely to their friends because they will study in a group. And the next side that must ready for the change is government. They must support and giving more attention in education sector, especially in mathematics subject. It can be realize with giving more budgetary fund in education sector for help the people that can to pay education cost.


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